Donate to Our Cause!
Your gift to Harambee Community Services goes toward improving the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities. Thank you in advance for your generous donation.
For your one-time or recurring (monthly) donation, please click the Donate button below:
Planned Giving
A little planning now can accomplish a world of good for your loved ones and for Harambee Community Services.
A planned gift to HCS will provide direct support for programs that help developmentally disabled adults. It can also benefit your heirs—and yourself—as you get older. Planned giving helps all of us prepare for our retirement and the ultimate allocation of our estate.
Harambee Community Services can accept planned gifts in many ways, including, but not limited to:
Giving Options:
- Name HCS in your will or trust
- Designate HCS as a beneficiary of your life insurance, IRA, 401(k) or 403(b) retirement plans
- Making a gift from your IRA or other retirement plans
- Create a charitable remainder trust
- Donating stock, works of art, and/or any other high-value assets
Benefits of Planned Giving:
- Can provide individuals with unique tax advantages and ease the tax burden on their heirs, protecting individuals and their heirs from losing hard-earned income or assets to fees and taxes
- Can benefit you when you plan a charitable gift to HCS
- Has potential to reduce taxes, now or later
If you would like for your planned gift to benefit a particular program at HCS, please talk to us first so we can advise you how to best direct your gift. Ask about plans that can increase your income during your lifetime while bypassing taxes—and without reducing what you pass on to your family.
For more information please contact:
Darice Tillery, Executive Director at [email protected]