Harambee’s Custom Care Adult Day Care Program is designed to meet the complex needs of consumers who do not fit into traditional day programming. Custom Care can develop a “made to order” continuum of culturally relevant activities that support consumers in having fun, thriving and maximizing their potential.
The program is designed as a comprehensive, coordinated, culturally sensitive program that takes into consideration each Consumer’s skills and competencies, needs, preferred wishes and well being. In order to support and serve Consumers who face complex challenges, a collaborative model is used.
Custom Care provides supports to assist consumers in functioning adaptively in a variety of social environments. Our Custom Care Program currently serves 25 consumers.
- Diagnosis of a developmental disability or condition similar to a developmentally disability that requires the same services and supports
- At least 18 years of age or older
- A Purchase of Service from Regional Center of the East Bay (or other local Regional Center) for services
- Transitioning from a locked facility or State Developmental Hospital or a community program
- A desire to participate in customized adult day program
We work with individuals who may have the following characteristics:
- Severe behavioral challenges
- Resistiveness-failure to participate in activities previously agreed upon that impact health & safety
- Socially inappropriate responses – tantruming (screaming, crying, stomping, and other disruptive behaviors), self-injurious behaviors (including pica, head banging or hair pulling) or self- stimulating behaviors (including rocking, staring, public masturbation feces smearing etc.)
- Aggression towards self, others or property
- History of AWOL or wandering
- Sensory disabilities (Blind and visually impaired; Deaf and hearing impaired)
- Non-ambulatory
- Mental Health or Substance Abuse diagnosis
- Judicial Involvement
Behaviors such as arson/fire setting and forensic situations are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Custom Care is a non-medical program.
HCS is a non-medical program.
Location of services:
- In Home, residential facility, locked facilities, school setting in the communities
- San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Alameda and Contra Costa County